I'm super excited about writing this to you. This is
by far the best guarantee I have ever seen when it comes
to making mon.ey onl.ine. Please just read this email
and I know you will see that this is the first time you
have ever seen anything like this before.
Ian Herculson has just released a new service called
Smart Subscriber, where he's full on promising you
that if you just 'try it out' that he will in fact make
you money as an affi.liate mar.keter...
... BEFORE you have to pay anything.
Yes I know, that's insanely good, but it's for real
and you can read how he's successfully pulling this off
~~~~ http://vur.me/s/rZD
Ian is actually backing up this pretty bold claim too
in 3 unheard of ways. Read this...
First of all, you don't have to pay anything up front
to get started. No credit card, no paypal, no nothing.
Just sign up and go. No tricks here, Who does that?
Second, he's giving you enough time to really see for
real that it will work. How much time?
- Not just 7 days
- Not only 14 days
- Not a measly 30 days
- Not even an insane 60 days
You will get a full 90 days; yes 3 freaking months for
nothing where Ian will be making you a constant stream
of commi.ssions without asking for anything back. Tell
me where you've seen that before... no where.
Third and most importantly, Ian is putting his mo.ney
where his mouth is and giving away all commi.ssions that
normally he would make to once and for all prove that he
can make you mon.ey with Smart Subscriber before ever
asking you to pay for his service. Whhaaat!
Think about what was just said hary. In short;
Ian is going to give you a no obligations 90 Day Fr.ee
Trial of Smart Subscriber where he will make you mon.ey
through affi.liate comm.issions just to prove his service
is worth paying for!
You cannot lose here hary, and I'm sorry to be
so blunt but you would seriously be a complete idiot not
to just try it with that strong of a promise.
Here's where you can go get more information and see
how it all works or get started. click
Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
Selasa, 04 Mei 2010
Sebelumnya saya tekankan disini, cara yang ingin saya sampaikan dibawah ini
sangat berbeda dengan cara-cara umum yang sering ditawarkan JELAS SANGAT BERBEDA !!!
Disini, modal awal Qt untuk mengikutinya adalah Rp.0,- (kita hanya keluar
biaya untuk ngenet ja) bahkan anda akan diberi modal awal cuma-cuma US$ 200 – US$ 20.000.
Yang perlu kamu lakukan hanyalah, berada di depan computer &
terhubung ke internet, hanya sekitar 1 jam/hari.
Kamu cukup klik sana-sini banner-banner promosi yang ada, dan uang dollar
akan membanjiri rekening anda.
Anda harus memiliki account paypal, liberty reserve, atau e-gold terlebih dahulu.
Cara membuat rekening Paypal: sangat mudah, anda hanya perlu ke http://www.paypal.com/ dan melakukan sign up, lalu buat sebuah paypal premier account (GRATIS), ketika diminta informasi tentang kartu kredit pilih cancel. Selanjutnya ikuti sesuai prosedur hingga anda mendapatkan rekening paypal pribadi anda, biasanya nama rekening anda sama dengan alamat email yang anda gunakan untuk register.
Cara membuat rekening Liberty Reserve (LR):
1. Klik Link ini : http://www.libertyreserve.com
2. Setelah Anda masuk kesitus Liberty Reserve, anda klik Create Account
3. Setelah itu ada kolom-kolom yg harus Anda isi :
- Account Name yaitu Nama Anda (misal nama anda Joko Susanto maka ditulis Joko
- Password ditulis perpaduan huruf dan angka buat yg mudah anda ingat, begitu anda klik
akan muncul keyboad dilayar jadi anda klik2 saja keyboard yg muncul tsb ini maksudnya
demi keamanan dari hacker, minimal 6 karakter ( misal : joko12345, anto2000 dll buatlah yg
mudah anda ingat)
- Re-enter Password yaitu mengulangi kembali password Anda.
- Login PIN Angka semua 5 digit
- Re-enter Login PIN Mengulangi Login PIN Anda
- Security Question ada 4 pilihan, Mothers Maiden Name (Nama Ibu), City of Birth (Tempat Lahir), High School Name (Nama Sekolah Tinggi), Favorite Pet(Hewan Kesayangan), Terserah anda mau pilih mana
- or write your own buat sesuka anda dalam bahasa indonesia juga bisa. misalnya anda memilih City of Birth, buat where was your born ? atau dalam bhs indonesia
dimana kamu lahir ?
- answer buat jawaban dari pertanyaan Anda tadi, misalnya Jakarta, atau Bandung dll.
- Personal Welcome Message Pesan Pribadi anda buat apa yg ingin anda buat, tulis saja Hello
atau good luck atau suka-suka anda
- First Name yaitu Nama Pertama Anda
- Last Name yaitu Nama Kedua Anda
- Company Name buat aja nama Anda
- Email Email anda
- Address Alamat rumah Anda ( Misal : Jl. Pinang Merah No.7 )
- City Kota tempat Anda tinggal
- Country pilih Indonesia
- State/Region Propinsi tempat Anda tinggal
- Zip/Postal Code Kode Pos Anda
- Phone nomor telepon Anda
- Date of Birth yaitu tanggal lahir, bulan tanggal dan tahun
kemudian masukkan kode yg tertera dan klik Agree, Gampang bukan ? Nah hari itu juga anda
langsung terdaftar. Setelah itu catat semua data-data Anda. Perlu diperhatikan setelah anda
mendaftar LR (Liberty Reserve) tidak memberikan konfirmasi ke email anda jadi anda harus
mengingat atau sebaiknya dicatat account number Anda yg diawali dengan huruf U, contoh
U6300323, Login PIN dan Password, karena ini perlu saat anda Login.
Bayangkan Qt daftar di salah satu WEB chanel TV swasta USA , dimana
pendapatan TV ini dari para pemasang iklan. Untuk menarik para pemasang
iklan, chanel TV tersebut harus mempunyai rating yang bagus dengan pemirsa
yang sangat-sangat banyak. rating tersebut dilihat dari jumlah member yang
bergabung dan aktif menyebarkan situs itu ke seluruh dunia. Semakin besar
rating mereka maka situs tersebut semakin bernilai jual tinggi untuk para
pemasang iklan.
Jadi kesimpulannya, kamu dibayar mahal untuk setiap klik iklan!!!
(tetapi ini untuk ukuran orang indonesia karena perbandingan dolar dan rupiah
jauh sekali. Kalau di Amrik US$100.000 tdk ada artinya, di indonesia kurang lebih
1 M, heheheeee).
Klik Menu JOIN > Please enter your Email address to sign-up:
2. Masukan E-Mail kamu secara lengkap
3. Klik continue
4. Segera periksa Inbox Email kamu dan cari email yg berjudul ‘bossmails.com signup URL’.
5. Klik website yg sudah dikirimkan boss-mails.com signup URL’ (alamat signup URL, huruf berwarna biru panjang, nomer dua dari bawah)
Maka kita akan dibawa menuju sebuah halaman registrasi untuk mengisi data-data seperti di bawah ini:
_ Username: Ketik nama alias atau samaran kamu (min 6 digit)
_ E-Mail: Masukan alamat email kamu
_ First Name: Ketik nama depan kamu (harus sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR)
_ Last Name: Ketik nama belakang kamu (harus sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR)
_ Address: Ketik alamat tinggal kamu (harus sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR)
_ City: Ketik nama kota kamu, misalnya Bandung
_ State: Ketik nama propinsi, misalnya JAWA BARAT
_ Zip Code: Ketik kode pos
_ Country: Ketik nama negara, misalnya Indonesia
_ Referred by: isi dengan ulong24 ( jika sudah terisi “ulong24″ maka dibiarkan saja) ini harus di isi biar ada yang mengkaver / referensi kamu.
_ Select categories of interests to you: Harap kamu centang semua kategori tersebut sampai dengan terakhir kecuali delete me n no mail.
_ Select a payment method: Pilih Liberty Reserve
_ Payment account ID: Masukan account Liberty Reserve (yang diawali huruf U)
_ Password: Masukan min 6 digit angka (yang gampang kamu ingat)
_ Confirm Password: Masukan lagi 6 digit angka di atas (password)
_ Trus Klik Tombol Sign Up Maka otomatis uang sebesar USD 200 – USD 20.000 langsung masuk ke account kamu di situs d mn km daftar. Untuk mengeceknya, cobalah meng-Klik My Earnings.
_ Untuk menambah saldo kamu setiap waktu, cobalah mengklik Paid to Click, lalu klik banner-banner iklan-iklan yang ada Mudah bukan? Satu iklan berharga antara US$ 1000 cents (US$10) sampai US 200000 cents (US$ 2000) !!! (Bayangkan dollar yang akan Qt dapatkan!!!)
Sesaat setelah kamu meng-klik salah satu banner iklan(jika server yg kamu gunakan ngenet cpt d sarankan untuk klik kanan n plh open new tab biar cpt), kamu akan terhubung dengan web-site lain (muncul pada jendela baru), yang disitu akan tertulis di atas iklan dalam bahasa inggris yang intinya adalah kamu akan mendapatkan sejumlah dollar jika anda berada dalam web-site tersebut selama sekitar 15 sampai 90 detik.
Setelah itu, maka akan muncul keterangan ucapan terima kasih, dan pemberitahuan bahwa uang sejumlah antara US$10 atau US$2000 telah dimasukkan ke dalam account kamu. Mudah bukan ??? dan
hasilnya bener-bener dahsyat!!!
Bila suatu saat banner-banner itu tidak ada, maka tunggulah di lain waktu, maka banner-banner itu akan muncul lagi, dan kliklah. Banner-banner baru biasanya akan muncul lagi setelah 12 jam (Mudah bukan?)
Di sini 1hari iklan dibatasi, karena jika banyak ya Qt cpt kaya _ Selain itu kamu juga akan mendapatkan dollar dari bonus yang akan kamu terima. Lihat pada bagian My Inbox atau Mail Box. Jika disitu ada keterangan adanya sejumlah email
baru yang datang, klik tulisan My Inbox. Bukalah email-email yang ada, kamu akan terhubung dengan sebuah jendela notepad yang didalamnya ada sebuah alamat URL (huruf warna biru atau merah). Klik alamat tersebut, dan kamu akan terhubung ke web-lain (seperti cara diatas) dan kamu akan mendapatkan bonus dollar yang sama antara, US$10 sampai US$2000.
(ruuuaaarrr biasa).
Selain itu, kamu juga akan mendapatkan bonus tambahan lagi, jika kamu memberikan referensi cara ini kepada orang lain, tentu dengan alamat referral (URL) kamu. Caranya, klik refferal central, kamu akan mendapatkan alamat refferal kamu (klo g km copy alamat di atas dan ganti dg username kamu) . Gunakan alamat refferal kamu tersebut untuk mengganti alamat refferal Q Sebarkan kembali email yang telah berisi URL refferal kamu ke banyak orang. Setiap satu orang yang mendaftar member baru berdasarkan refferal kamu, kamu akan
mendapatkan bonus tambahan antara US$100-US$ 2000 (tergantung dr web pa km dpt reffralmu) ke account anda. Gunakan mailing list atau iklan baris gratis di internet. Mudah bukan ??? dan hasilnya bener-bener dahsyat!!!
Pada awalnya aku sedikit ‘g percaya’ ketika ingin berbagi informasi tentang smua situs td ke kamu…(sangat dimengerti, pada situasi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekali orang yang curiga dan takut ditipu sehingga cenderung ‘hatihati/waspada’, apalagi harus berhubungan dengan dunia Internet yang masih
sedikit orang menyentuh). Diluar dugaan saya, dalam beberapa hari saja, sudah begitu banyak dollar yang sudah aku kumpulkan dengan klak klik di sana sini. Dalam 1 (satu) jam saya bisa dapat kira-kira min US$500 – US$ 50.000 (tergantung dr web pa km dpt). Dalam minggu pertama aku sudah mendapatkan lebih dari US$ 20.000 (mak yuuus kan :D ). aku tinggal menunggu dollar yang aku kumpulkan mencapai $300.000 – $3.000.000. Luar Biasa!!!. Kamu tinggal melakukannya di tengah-tengah surfing anda di dunia maya. Tidak ada ruginya khan??? OH YAAA, penghasilan kita di Boss-mails, honest baru dapat di ambil jika kita sudah PAYOUT (US$300.000) & ft-mail ($450.000) & ippomails ($ 3.000.000) tanpa batas waktu selesainya, kalau sudah mencapai payout uang kita akan di kirim ke Liberty Reserve kita. Masuk ke rekening kita, hasil yang dahsyattt!!!!
Sebelumnya saya tekankan disini, cara yang ingin saya sampaikan dibawah ini
sangat berbeda dengan cara-cara umum yang sering ditawarkan JELAS SANGAT BERBEDA !!!
Disini, modal awal Qt untuk mengikutinya adalah Rp.0,- (kita hanya keluar
biaya untuk ngenet ja) bahkan anda akan diberi modal awal cuma-cuma US$ 200 – US$ 20.000.
Yang perlu kamu lakukan hanyalah, berada di depan computer &
terhubung ke internet, hanya sekitar 1 jam/hari.
Kamu cukup klik sana-sini banner-banner promosi yang ada, dan uang dollar
akan membanjiri rekening anda.
Anda harus memiliki account paypal, liberty reserve, atau e-gold terlebih dahulu.
Cara membuat rekening Paypal: sangat mudah, anda hanya perlu ke http://www.paypal.com/ dan melakukan sign up, lalu buat sebuah paypal premier account (GRATIS), ketika diminta informasi tentang kartu kredit pilih cancel. Selanjutnya ikuti sesuai prosedur hingga anda mendapatkan rekening paypal pribadi anda, biasanya nama rekening anda sama dengan alamat email yang anda gunakan untuk register.
Cara membuat rekening Liberty Reserve (LR):
1. Klik Link ini : http://www.libertyreserve.com
2. Setelah Anda masuk kesitus Liberty Reserve, anda klik Create Account
3. Setelah itu ada kolom-kolom yg harus Anda isi :
- Account Name yaitu Nama Anda (misal nama anda Joko Susanto maka ditulis Joko
- Password ditulis perpaduan huruf dan angka buat yg mudah anda ingat, begitu anda klik
akan muncul keyboad dilayar jadi anda klik2 saja keyboard yg muncul tsb ini maksudnya
demi keamanan dari hacker, minimal 6 karakter ( misal : joko12345, anto2000 dll buatlah yg
mudah anda ingat)
- Re-enter Password yaitu mengulangi kembali password Anda.
- Login PIN Angka semua 5 digit
- Re-enter Login PIN Mengulangi Login PIN Anda
- Security Question ada 4 pilihan, Mothers Maiden Name (Nama Ibu), City of Birth (Tempat Lahir), High School Name (Nama Sekolah Tinggi), Favorite Pet(Hewan Kesayangan), Terserah anda mau pilih mana
- or write your own buat sesuka anda dalam bahasa indonesia juga bisa. misalnya anda memilih City of Birth, buat where was your born ? atau dalam bhs indonesia
dimana kamu lahir ?
- answer buat jawaban dari pertanyaan Anda tadi, misalnya Jakarta, atau Bandung dll.
- Personal Welcome Message Pesan Pribadi anda buat apa yg ingin anda buat, tulis saja Hello
atau good luck atau suka-suka anda
- First Name yaitu Nama Pertama Anda
- Last Name yaitu Nama Kedua Anda
- Company Name buat aja nama Anda
- Email Email anda
- Address Alamat rumah Anda ( Misal : Jl. Pinang Merah No.7 )
- City Kota tempat Anda tinggal
- Country pilih Indonesia
- State/Region Propinsi tempat Anda tinggal
- Zip/Postal Code Kode Pos Anda
- Phone nomor telepon Anda
- Date of Birth yaitu tanggal lahir, bulan tanggal dan tahun
kemudian masukkan kode yg tertera dan klik Agree, Gampang bukan ? Nah hari itu juga anda
langsung terdaftar. Setelah itu catat semua data-data Anda. Perlu diperhatikan setelah anda
mendaftar LR (Liberty Reserve) tidak memberikan konfirmasi ke email anda jadi anda harus
mengingat atau sebaiknya dicatat account number Anda yg diawali dengan huruf U, contoh
U6300323, Login PIN dan Password, karena ini perlu saat anda Login.
Bayangkan Qt daftar di salah satu WEB chanel TV swasta USA , dimana
pendapatan TV ini dari para pemasang iklan. Untuk menarik para pemasang
iklan, chanel TV tersebut harus mempunyai rating yang bagus dengan pemirsa
yang sangat-sangat banyak. rating tersebut dilihat dari jumlah member yang
bergabung dan aktif menyebarkan situs itu ke seluruh dunia. Semakin besar
rating mereka maka situs tersebut semakin bernilai jual tinggi untuk para
pemasang iklan.
Jadi kesimpulannya, kamu dibayar mahal untuk setiap klik iklan!!!
(tetapi ini untuk ukuran orang indonesia karena perbandingan dolar dan rupiah
jauh sekali. Kalau di Amrik US$100.000 tdk ada artinya, di indonesia kurang lebih
1 M, heheheeee).
Klik Menu JOIN > Please enter your Email address to sign-up:
2. Masukan E-Mail kamu secara lengkap
3. Klik continue
4. Segera periksa Inbox Email kamu dan cari email yg berjudul ‘bossmails.com signup URL’.
5. Klik website yg sudah dikirimkan boss-mails.com signup URL’ (alamat signup URL, huruf berwarna biru panjang, nomer dua dari bawah)
Maka kita akan dibawa menuju sebuah halaman registrasi untuk mengisi data-data seperti di bawah ini:
_ Username: Ketik nama alias atau samaran kamu (min 6 digit)
_ E-Mail: Masukan alamat email kamu
_ First Name: Ketik nama depan kamu (harus sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR)
_ Last Name: Ketik nama belakang kamu (harus sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR)
_ Address: Ketik alamat tinggal kamu (harus sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR)
_ City: Ketik nama kota kamu, misalnya Bandung
_ State: Ketik nama propinsi, misalnya JAWA BARAT
_ Zip Code: Ketik kode pos
_ Country: Ketik nama negara, misalnya Indonesia
_ Referred by: isi dengan ulong24 ( jika sudah terisi “ulong24″ maka dibiarkan saja) ini harus di isi biar ada yang mengkaver / referensi kamu.
_ Select categories of interests to you: Harap kamu centang semua kategori tersebut sampai dengan terakhir kecuali delete me n no mail.
_ Select a payment method: Pilih Liberty Reserve
_ Payment account ID: Masukan account Liberty Reserve (yang diawali huruf U)
_ Password: Masukan min 6 digit angka (yang gampang kamu ingat)
_ Confirm Password: Masukan lagi 6 digit angka di atas (password)
_ Trus Klik Tombol Sign Up Maka otomatis uang sebesar USD 200 – USD 20.000 langsung masuk ke account kamu di situs d mn km daftar. Untuk mengeceknya, cobalah meng-Klik My Earnings.
_ Untuk menambah saldo kamu setiap waktu, cobalah mengklik Paid to Click, lalu klik banner-banner iklan-iklan yang ada Mudah bukan? Satu iklan berharga antara US$ 1000 cents (US$10) sampai US 200000 cents (US$ 2000) !!! (Bayangkan dollar yang akan Qt dapatkan!!!)
Sesaat setelah kamu meng-klik salah satu banner iklan(jika server yg kamu gunakan ngenet cpt d sarankan untuk klik kanan n plh open new tab biar cpt), kamu akan terhubung dengan web-site lain (muncul pada jendela baru), yang disitu akan tertulis di atas iklan dalam bahasa inggris yang intinya adalah kamu akan mendapatkan sejumlah dollar jika anda berada dalam web-site tersebut selama sekitar 15 sampai 90 detik.
Setelah itu, maka akan muncul keterangan ucapan terima kasih, dan pemberitahuan bahwa uang sejumlah antara US$10 atau US$2000 telah dimasukkan ke dalam account kamu. Mudah bukan ??? dan
hasilnya bener-bener dahsyat!!!
Bila suatu saat banner-banner itu tidak ada, maka tunggulah di lain waktu, maka banner-banner itu akan muncul lagi, dan kliklah. Banner-banner baru biasanya akan muncul lagi setelah 12 jam (Mudah bukan?)
Di sini 1hari iklan dibatasi, karena jika banyak ya Qt cpt kaya _ Selain itu kamu juga akan mendapatkan dollar dari bonus yang akan kamu terima. Lihat pada bagian My Inbox atau Mail Box. Jika disitu ada keterangan adanya sejumlah email
baru yang datang, klik tulisan My Inbox. Bukalah email-email yang ada, kamu akan terhubung dengan sebuah jendela notepad yang didalamnya ada sebuah alamat URL (huruf warna biru atau merah). Klik alamat tersebut, dan kamu akan terhubung ke web-lain (seperti cara diatas) dan kamu akan mendapatkan bonus dollar yang sama antara, US$10 sampai US$2000.
(ruuuaaarrr biasa).
Selain itu, kamu juga akan mendapatkan bonus tambahan lagi, jika kamu memberikan referensi cara ini kepada orang lain, tentu dengan alamat referral (URL) kamu. Caranya, klik refferal central, kamu akan mendapatkan alamat refferal kamu (klo g km copy alamat di atas dan ganti dg username kamu) . Gunakan alamat refferal kamu tersebut untuk mengganti alamat refferal Q Sebarkan kembali email yang telah berisi URL refferal kamu ke banyak orang. Setiap satu orang yang mendaftar member baru berdasarkan refferal kamu, kamu akan
mendapatkan bonus tambahan antara US$100-US$ 2000 (tergantung dr web pa km dpt reffralmu) ke account anda. Gunakan mailing list atau iklan baris gratis di internet. Mudah bukan ??? dan hasilnya bener-bener dahsyat!!!
Pada awalnya aku sedikit ‘g percaya’ ketika ingin berbagi informasi tentang smua situs td ke kamu…(sangat dimengerti, pada situasi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekali orang yang curiga dan takut ditipu sehingga cenderung ‘hatihati/waspada’, apalagi harus berhubungan dengan dunia Internet yang masih
sedikit orang menyentuh). Diluar dugaan saya, dalam beberapa hari saja, sudah begitu banyak dollar yang sudah aku kumpulkan dengan klak klik di sana sini. Dalam 1 (satu) jam saya bisa dapat kira-kira min US$500 – US$ 50.000 (tergantung dr web pa km dpt). Dalam minggu pertama aku sudah mendapatkan lebih dari US$ 20.000 (mak yuuus kan :D ). aku tinggal menunggu dollar yang aku kumpulkan mencapai $300.000 – $3.000.000. Luar Biasa!!!. Kamu tinggal melakukannya di tengah-tengah surfing anda di dunia maya. Tidak ada ruginya khan??? OH YAAA, penghasilan kita di Boss-mails, honest baru dapat di ambil jika kita sudah PAYOUT (US$300.000) & ft-mail ($450.000) & ippomails ($ 3.000.000) tanpa batas waktu selesainya, kalau sudah mencapai payout uang kita akan di kirim ke Liberty Reserve kita. Masuk ke rekening kita, hasil yang dahsyattt!!!!
Senin, 12 April 2010
How to avoid getting your information stolen via wireless connections
Yesterday, I wrote about how the FBI is warning us that personal details can be stolen (i-jacked) when using public computers. This occurs using crimeware, previously installed on a public computer, logs the keys you are stroking and sends the information (electronically) to criminals.
It can be dangerous to look at any of your online financial information on these (public access) machines.
When writing about this phenomenon, I remembered that even using your personal computer at a public place with a wireless connection can expose a person's personal and sometimes, financial details.
Just the other day, Martin Bosworth, over at Consumer Affairs, wrote an excellent piece covering this danger, where he stated:
Sending unencrypted information over any unfamiliar network can turn your computer into an open book -- with pages full of your personal information.
Many of these connections are appear to be legitimate connections because they are spoofed (camouflaged to appear as if they are a trusted connection).
Spoofing a connection, or site isn't very hard to do. They simply copy and transpose pictures and statements (words) from legitimate sites to their own. The Artists Against website has a portal, where you can see fake websites that are up and running on the Internet, here.
Martin's article contains some excellent tips on how to navigate the murky waters of public hot spots, safely.
They can be viewed, here.
Interestingly enough, wireless technology, isn't only used to compromise individuals. In the recent TJX data breach, where some are saying 200 million records were stolen since 2003, reports are saying the data was stolen, using wireless technology.
It's being reported that this was accomplished from a car with a laptop. Driving around with a laptop, using other people's wireless connections, is sometimes referred to as "war-driving," which is my new word for the day.
Joseph Pereira (Wall Street Journal) wrote about this (courtesy of the Northwest Florida Daily News), here.
It can be dangerous to look at any of your online financial information on these (public access) machines.
When writing about this phenomenon, I remembered that even using your personal computer at a public place with a wireless connection can expose a person's personal and sometimes, financial details.
Just the other day, Martin Bosworth, over at Consumer Affairs, wrote an excellent piece covering this danger, where he stated:
Sending unencrypted information over any unfamiliar network can turn your computer into an open book -- with pages full of your personal information.
Many of these connections are appear to be legitimate connections because they are spoofed (camouflaged to appear as if they are a trusted connection).
Spoofing a connection, or site isn't very hard to do. They simply copy and transpose pictures and statements (words) from legitimate sites to their own. The Artists Against website has a portal, where you can see fake websites that are up and running on the Internet, here.
Martin's article contains some excellent tips on how to navigate the murky waters of public hot spots, safely.
They can be viewed, here.
Interestingly enough, wireless technology, isn't only used to compromise individuals. In the recent TJX data breach, where some are saying 200 million records were stolen since 2003, reports are saying the data was stolen, using wireless technology.
It's being reported that this was accomplished from a car with a laptop. Driving around with a laptop, using other people's wireless connections, is sometimes referred to as "war-driving," which is my new word for the day.
Joseph Pereira (Wall Street Journal) wrote about this (courtesy of the Northwest Florida Daily News), here.
Fox Interactive Nears Deal to Buy Photobucket
SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 — Photobucket, a four-year-old, rapidly growing Web company, is in advanced talks to be acquired by Fox Interactive Media, a division of the News Corporation, a person briefed on the negotiations said Monday.
Photobucket allows its users to store photos and videos and then easily drop them into their pages on prominent sites like Facebook, eBay and particularly MySpace, which is also owned by the News Corporation.
The deal is not yet complete, but the parties have ironed out major issues and are focusing on finer points, according to this person, who said the price could be as high as $300 million. The person asked not to be further identified because of the sensitivity of the talks.
Representatives of MySpace, Fox Interactive Media and Photobucket all declined to comment.
News of the discussions was first reported earlier Monday on a Silicon Valley blog, Valleywag. Photobucket said last month that it had hired Lehman Brothers to explore a possible sale of the company.
Photobucket, which has offices in Denver and San Francisco, has catapulted over older sites to become the largest and fastest-growing photo-sharing service on the Web. Unlike rival photo sites such as Kodak Gallery, Shutterfly and Flickr, which is owned by Yahoo, Photobucket positioned itself as a tool for people using sites like MySpace, rather than a place to get prints made or to interact with other photographers.
The company has had the kind of booming growth that make larger media companies envious. A year ago, it said it had 14 million members. On its Web site on Monday, Photobucket cited 41 million users.
The site is free for basic use, but charges $25 a year for a premium subscription that includes extra storage space and the ability to store videos more than five minutes long. It also displays advertisements to users when they manage their accounts.
The company already has a symbiotic, if sensitive, relationship with MySpace. According to the research firm Hitwise, for the week ended Saturday, 60 percent of Photobucket traffic came from MySpace users who had placed their photos and videos on Photobucket. It was also the third-largest destination for people leaving MySpace, after Google and Yahoo.
“There’s clearly a synergy between these two sites,” says Bill Tancer, general manager of global research at Hitwise.
That close relationship has made MySpace uncomfortable in the past.
Last month, MySpace blocked slide shows and videos stored on Photobucket, saying the company was violating its terms of service by embedding its own advertisements in the media files. After a week of discussions, the two companies resolved their differences and MySpace removed the block.
Photobucket allows its users to store photos and videos and then easily drop them into their pages on prominent sites like Facebook, eBay and particularly MySpace, which is also owned by the News Corporation.
The deal is not yet complete, but the parties have ironed out major issues and are focusing on finer points, according to this person, who said the price could be as high as $300 million. The person asked not to be further identified because of the sensitivity of the talks.
Representatives of MySpace, Fox Interactive Media and Photobucket all declined to comment.
News of the discussions was first reported earlier Monday on a Silicon Valley blog, Valleywag. Photobucket said last month that it had hired Lehman Brothers to explore a possible sale of the company.
Photobucket, which has offices in Denver and San Francisco, has catapulted over older sites to become the largest and fastest-growing photo-sharing service on the Web. Unlike rival photo sites such as Kodak Gallery, Shutterfly and Flickr, which is owned by Yahoo, Photobucket positioned itself as a tool for people using sites like MySpace, rather than a place to get prints made or to interact with other photographers.
The company has had the kind of booming growth that make larger media companies envious. A year ago, it said it had 14 million members. On its Web site on Monday, Photobucket cited 41 million users.
The site is free for basic use, but charges $25 a year for a premium subscription that includes extra storage space and the ability to store videos more than five minutes long. It also displays advertisements to users when they manage their accounts.
The company already has a symbiotic, if sensitive, relationship with MySpace. According to the research firm Hitwise, for the week ended Saturday, 60 percent of Photobucket traffic came from MySpace users who had placed their photos and videos on Photobucket. It was also the third-largest destination for people leaving MySpace, after Google and Yahoo.
“There’s clearly a synergy between these two sites,” says Bill Tancer, general manager of global research at Hitwise.
That close relationship has made MySpace uncomfortable in the past.
Last month, MySpace blocked slide shows and videos stored on Photobucket, saying the company was violating its terms of service by embedding its own advertisements in the media files. After a week of discussions, the two companies resolved their differences and MySpace removed the block.
Computer running slow problems
Is your computer running slow? Does it take 15minutes to boot up? Computers can get people so frustrated when they don't do what you want them to do, computers that run slow are basically useless.
There are many reasons why computer run slow...
Spyware! What is it? What does it do to my computer?
A simple definition of Spyware: a general term used to describe software that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first.
Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called ad ware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. The most common type of spyware is pop up banners that never stop! You close them, and they keep returning. Im sure we have all had this problem once. Spyware in a nut shell, basically makes your computer run really slow. Once a computer is infected, the software usually uses your internet connection to download more.
Your computer 'Hardware' can be the problem!
This is probably not the problem with your computer, but it has to be mentioned because it could be the problem. After you have deleted the spyware and removed the virus you may have, if your computer still runs slow, then it is time to take your computer to a qualified technician to see if you are having hardware trouble. Check to see if you have at least 512meg of memory. This is the recommended ram specifications for windows Xp, some older systems have 256meg of memory and this is not enough if you run multiple programs. If you are running the new Windows Vista, i would recommend at least 1gig (1024meg) of ram.
For more information visit on this topic visit my website..
There are many reasons why computer run slow...
Spyware! What is it? What does it do to my computer?
A simple definition of Spyware: a general term used to describe software that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first.
Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called ad ware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. The most common type of spyware is pop up banners that never stop! You close them, and they keep returning. Im sure we have all had this problem once. Spyware in a nut shell, basically makes your computer run really slow. Once a computer is infected, the software usually uses your internet connection to download more.
Your computer 'Hardware' can be the problem!
This is probably not the problem with your computer, but it has to be mentioned because it could be the problem. After you have deleted the spyware and removed the virus you may have, if your computer still runs slow, then it is time to take your computer to a qualified technician to see if you are having hardware trouble. Check to see if you have at least 512meg of memory. This is the recommended ram specifications for windows Xp, some older systems have 256meg of memory and this is not enough if you run multiple programs. If you are running the new Windows Vista, i would recommend at least 1gig (1024meg) of ram.
For more information visit on this topic visit my website..
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010
Learning Becoming Hacker
Hackers with expertise can view & fix weaknesses in the computer software; normally then published openly on the Internet for the system to become better. Unfortunately, a handful of evil-hearted man to use such information for crime - they are usually called crackers. Basically the world of hackers and crackers are no different from the art world, here we are talking art Internet network security.
I hope the science of network security in this paper is used for good things - there was not the Cracker Hacker. Do not until you got karma for using science to damage the property of others. Moreover, at this point will need hackers are increasing rapidly in Indonesia, with more and more dotcommers who want to IPO in the stock market. Good name and the value of a dotcom could fall even become worthless if the dotcom collapse. In this case, the hackers are expected to be a security consultant for the dotcommers is - because the HR police & security forces Indonesian extremely weak and pathetic in the field of Information Technology & the Internet. What may make cybersquad, private cyberpatrol perhaps necessary for survival in the culture of Indonesian dotcommers on the Internet.
Various Internet network security techniques can be easily obtained on the Internet, among others, in http://www.sans.org, http://www.rootshell.com, http://www.linuxfirewall.org/, http:// www.linuxdoc.org, http://www.cerias.purdue.edu/coast/firewalls/, http://www.redhat.com/mirrors/LDP/HOWTO/. Some of these techniques in the form of a number of books of his several hundred pages that can be taken free of charge (free). Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about network security can be obtained at http://www.iss.net/vd/mail.html, http://www.v-one.com/documents/fw-faq.htm. And for the experimenter some script / program that have become available, among others, in http://bastille-linux.sourceforge.net/, http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/tips/firewall/firewallservice.html .
For readers who wish to gain knowledge about the network and can be downloaded freely from http://pandu.dhs.org, http://www.bogor.net/idkf/, http://louis.idaman.com/idkf . Some books softcopy form that can be taken for free can be taken from http://pandu.dhs.org/Buku-Online/. We have to thank especially the Scout team led by I Made Wiryana for this. At this point, I do not really know the existence of an active place of discussion Indonesia discuss these hacking techniques - but it may be some further discussed in the mailing list as a kursus-linux@yahoogroups.com & linux-admin@linux.or.id operated by the Indonesian Linux Users Group (KPLI) http://www.kpli.or.id.
The simplest way to see the weakness of the system is by way of seeking information from various vendors such as http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm # 3b about the vulnerability of the system they have created yourself. In addition, monitoring the various mailing lists on the Internet relating to the security of such networks in the list http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm # 3e.
Front-line described by the Information Security Team, "Techniques Adopted By 'System Crackers' When Attempting To Break Into Corporate or Sensitive Private Networks," fist@ns2.co.uk http://www.ns2.co.uk. A Cracker generally men aged 16-25 years. Based on the statistics of Internet users in Indonesia, then in fact the majority of Internet users in Indonesia is the young kids at this age as well. Indeed this age is the age that is ideal in the draw include the new science of Internet science, it is very unfortunate if we did not succeed to the 25000th menginternetkan Indonesian school s / d in 2002 - because the pedestal next day the Indonesian nation in the hands of our young kids this.
Well, the young cracker cracking is generally done to improve / use of resources in the network for its own sake. Generally, the cracker is opportunistic. Seeing the weakness of the system with mejalankan scanner program. After gaining root access, a cracker installs a back door (backdoor) and close all existing general weakness.
As we all know, generally the various companies / dotcommers will use the Internet to (1) web hosting of their servers, (2) e-mail communication and (3) provide access to the web / internet to its employees. Internet and Intranet network separation is generally performed using techniques / software firewall and proxy server. Seeing the conditions of use of the above, weaknesses in the system generally can penetrate through the mailserver for example with an external / outside that is used for easy access to the mail out of the company. In addition, by using the agressive-SNMP scanner & programs that forced the SNMP community string can change a router into a bridge (bridge) which can then be used for a stepping stone for entry into the company's internal network (intranet).
To be protected at the time of cracker attacks, techniques cloacking (incognito) is done by jumping from the machine that had previously been in compromised (conquered) via telnet or rsh program. At an intermediary machine that uses Windows attack can be done by jumping from Wingate program. In addition, the jump can be done through the proxy device is configured poorly.
After a successful jump and into other systems, crackers usually do probing of the network and collect the information needed. This is done in several ways, for example (1) use nslookup to run the command 'ls', (2) view HTML files on your web server to identify other machines, (3) to see various documents on the FTP server, ( 4) connect to the mail server and use the command 'expn ', and (5) to a user finger on the other external machines.
The next step, a cracker will identify the network components that are trusted by whatever system. These network components and server administrators are usually the engine that normally is considered the most secure in the network. Start with a check access & NFS export to a variety of critical directories like / usr / bin, / etc and / home. Exploitation of the engine through the weakness of the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), with access to the file / etc / hosts.allow.
Furthermore cracker should identify the network components are weak and can be conquered. Crackers can use the program in Linux like ADMhack, mscan, nmap and many other small scanner. Programs like 'ps' and 'netstat' on the make trojan (remember the Trojan horse story? In the classic story of ancient greek) to hide the scanning process. For a fairly advanced cracker can use aggressive-SNMP scanning to scan equipment with SNMP.
After the cracker managed to identify the network components are weak and can be conquered, then the cracker will be running a program to conquer the weak daemon program on the server. Program on the server daemon is a program that usually runs in the background (as daemon / demon). Success of the conquest of this daemon program will allow a cracker to gain access as 'root' (the highest administrator in the server).
To eliminate the trace, a cracker usually do clean-up operation 'clean-up' operation by cleaning the various log files. And add the program to enter from the back door 'backdooring'. Changing. Rhosts file in / usr / bin for easy access to a machine in the conquests through rsh & csh.
Furthermore, a cracker can use a machine that has been conquered for his own benefit, eg retrieve sensitive information that should not be read; mengcracking another machine by jumping from a machine in the conquered; install the sniffer to see / record the various traffic / communications passing; even disable the system / network by running the command 'rm-rf / &'. The latter will be extremely fatal because the system will be destroyed at all, especially if all the software in put in the hard disk. Process re-install the entire system must be done, will spin if this is done on machines that run mission critical.
Therefore, all routers that run the engine & mission critical should always check the security & the patch by the newer software. Backup is very important especially on machines that run mission critical in order to be saved from the act of a cracker that disable the system with 'rm-rf / &'.
For those of us who wrestle daily on the Internet usually it will greatly appreciate the presence of the hacker (not cracker). Because hackers thanks to the Internet is there and can we enjoy today, even kept in repair for a better system. Correct weaknesses in the system because intelligence colleagues hackers who often do repairs TSB. voluntarily because of his hobby. Moreover, it is often the result of hacking at the spread freely on the Internet for the purposes of the public Internet. A mutual cultural values & Noble actually growing on the Internet virtual world that usually seems futuristic and far from the social sense.
Development of the hobbiest hackers has become critical to the sustainability / survival in the vehicle dotcommers Indonesian Internet. As one of fact, in the near future God willing, around mid-April 2001 will be held hacking competition on the Internet for breaking into a server that has been determined beforehand. Hacking competition is led by young children in the Indonesian Linux Users Group (KPLI) Semarang driven by young people like Kresno Aji (masaji@telkom.net), Agus Hartanto (hartx@writeme.com) & Lekso Budi Handoko (handoko @ riset.dinus.ac.id). Like most other young children, they are generally capitalized, insufficient - support & sponsorship of course be very useful and anticipated by this young fellow.
Hopefully this will all add to the spirit of readers, especially young readers, to move in the world of exciting and challenging hackers. If Captain Jean Luc Picard said in the film StarTrek Next Generation, "Nowhere To boldly go no one has gone before".
I hope the science of network security in this paper is used for good things - there was not the Cracker Hacker. Do not until you got karma for using science to damage the property of others. Moreover, at this point will need hackers are increasing rapidly in Indonesia, with more and more dotcommers who want to IPO in the stock market. Good name and the value of a dotcom could fall even become worthless if the dotcom collapse. In this case, the hackers are expected to be a security consultant for the dotcommers is - because the HR police & security forces Indonesian extremely weak and pathetic in the field of Information Technology & the Internet. What may make cybersquad, private cyberpatrol perhaps necessary for survival in the culture of Indonesian dotcommers on the Internet.
Various Internet network security techniques can be easily obtained on the Internet, among others, in http://www.sans.org, http://www.rootshell.com, http://www.linuxfirewall.org/, http:// www.linuxdoc.org, http://www.cerias.purdue.edu/coast/firewalls/, http://www.redhat.com/mirrors/LDP/HOWTO/. Some of these techniques in the form of a number of books of his several hundred pages that can be taken free of charge (free). Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about network security can be obtained at http://www.iss.net/vd/mail.html, http://www.v-one.com/documents/fw-faq.htm. And for the experimenter some script / program that have become available, among others, in http://bastille-linux.sourceforge.net/, http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/tips/firewall/firewallservice.html .
For readers who wish to gain knowledge about the network and can be downloaded freely from http://pandu.dhs.org, http://www.bogor.net/idkf/, http://louis.idaman.com/idkf . Some books softcopy form that can be taken for free can be taken from http://pandu.dhs.org/Buku-Online/. We have to thank especially the Scout team led by I Made Wiryana for this. At this point, I do not really know the existence of an active place of discussion Indonesia discuss these hacking techniques - but it may be some further discussed in the mailing list as a kursus-linux@yahoogroups.com & linux-admin@linux.or.id operated by the Indonesian Linux Users Group (KPLI) http://www.kpli.or.id.
The simplest way to see the weakness of the system is by way of seeking information from various vendors such as http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm # 3b about the vulnerability of the system they have created yourself. In addition, monitoring the various mailing lists on the Internet relating to the security of such networks in the list http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm # 3e.
Front-line described by the Information Security Team, "Techniques Adopted By 'System Crackers' When Attempting To Break Into Corporate or Sensitive Private Networks," fist@ns2.co.uk http://www.ns2.co.uk. A Cracker generally men aged 16-25 years. Based on the statistics of Internet users in Indonesia, then in fact the majority of Internet users in Indonesia is the young kids at this age as well. Indeed this age is the age that is ideal in the draw include the new science of Internet science, it is very unfortunate if we did not succeed to the 25000th menginternetkan Indonesian school s / d in 2002 - because the pedestal next day the Indonesian nation in the hands of our young kids this.
Well, the young cracker cracking is generally done to improve / use of resources in the network for its own sake. Generally, the cracker is opportunistic. Seeing the weakness of the system with mejalankan scanner program. After gaining root access, a cracker installs a back door (backdoor) and close all existing general weakness.
As we all know, generally the various companies / dotcommers will use the Internet to (1) web hosting of their servers, (2) e-mail communication and (3) provide access to the web / internet to its employees. Internet and Intranet network separation is generally performed using techniques / software firewall and proxy server. Seeing the conditions of use of the above, weaknesses in the system generally can penetrate through the mailserver for example with an external / outside that is used for easy access to the mail out of the company. In addition, by using the agressive-SNMP scanner & programs that forced the SNMP community string can change a router into a bridge (bridge) which can then be used for a stepping stone for entry into the company's internal network (intranet).
To be protected at the time of cracker attacks, techniques cloacking (incognito) is done by jumping from the machine that had previously been in compromised (conquered) via telnet or rsh program. At an intermediary machine that uses Windows attack can be done by jumping from Wingate program. In addition, the jump can be done through the proxy device is configured poorly.
After a successful jump and into other systems, crackers usually do probing of the network and collect the information needed. This is done in several ways, for example (1) use nslookup to run the command 'ls
The next step, a cracker will identify the network components that are trusted by whatever system. These network components and server administrators are usually the engine that normally is considered the most secure in the network. Start with a check access & NFS export to a variety of critical directories like / usr / bin, / etc and / home. Exploitation of the engine through the weakness of the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), with access to the file / etc / hosts.allow.
Furthermore cracker should identify the network components are weak and can be conquered. Crackers can use the program in Linux like ADMhack, mscan, nmap and many other small scanner. Programs like 'ps' and 'netstat' on the make trojan (remember the Trojan horse story? In the classic story of ancient greek) to hide the scanning process. For a fairly advanced cracker can use aggressive-SNMP scanning to scan equipment with SNMP.
After the cracker managed to identify the network components are weak and can be conquered, then the cracker will be running a program to conquer the weak daemon program on the server. Program on the server daemon is a program that usually runs in the background (as daemon / demon). Success of the conquest of this daemon program will allow a cracker to gain access as 'root' (the highest administrator in the server).
To eliminate the trace, a cracker usually do clean-up operation 'clean-up' operation by cleaning the various log files. And add the program to enter from the back door 'backdooring'. Changing. Rhosts file in / usr / bin for easy access to a machine in the conquests through rsh & csh.
Furthermore, a cracker can use a machine that has been conquered for his own benefit, eg retrieve sensitive information that should not be read; mengcracking another machine by jumping from a machine in the conquered; install the sniffer to see / record the various traffic / communications passing; even disable the system / network by running the command 'rm-rf / &'. The latter will be extremely fatal because the system will be destroyed at all, especially if all the software in put in the hard disk. Process re-install the entire system must be done, will spin if this is done on machines that run mission critical.
Therefore, all routers that run the engine & mission critical should always check the security & the patch by the newer software. Backup is very important especially on machines that run mission critical in order to be saved from the act of a cracker that disable the system with 'rm-rf / &'.
For those of us who wrestle daily on the Internet usually it will greatly appreciate the presence of the hacker (not cracker). Because hackers thanks to the Internet is there and can we enjoy today, even kept in repair for a better system. Correct weaknesses in the system because intelligence colleagues hackers who often do repairs TSB. voluntarily because of his hobby. Moreover, it is often the result of hacking at the spread freely on the Internet for the purposes of the public Internet. A mutual cultural values & Noble actually growing on the Internet virtual world that usually seems futuristic and far from the social sense.
Development of the hobbiest hackers has become critical to the sustainability / survival in the vehicle dotcommers Indonesian Internet. As one of fact, in the near future God willing, around mid-April 2001 will be held hacking competition on the Internet for breaking into a server that has been determined beforehand. Hacking competition is led by young children in the Indonesian Linux Users Group (KPLI) Semarang driven by young people like Kresno Aji (masaji@telkom.net), Agus Hartanto (hartx@writeme.com) & Lekso Budi Handoko (handoko @ riset.dinus.ac.id). Like most other young children, they are generally capitalized, insufficient - support & sponsorship of course be very useful and anticipated by this young fellow.
Hopefully this will all add to the spirit of readers, especially young readers, to move in the world of exciting and challenging hackers. If Captain Jean Luc Picard said in the film StarTrek Next Generation, "Nowhere To boldly go no one has gone before".
Enhance PC Security
A lot of annoying things that can happen on our computers. For example there are people who either deliberately or accidentally deleting important files we. Or modify the various configuration on Windows. Also can other people see your files confidential. Something like that is very possible when your computer is the computer "general". That is a lot of other people who helped put on, for example, friend, brother or sister. Remember, a beginner (in the case of computers) are usually very happy to try out everything on the computer. Now, to avoid the things that we do not want that happening on our computer you can try a variety of the following steps:
1. BIOS password
The first time you have to put a password on your BIOS. Why? Because the BIOS have the facilities to enable and disable some of our computer resources. While there are easy ways to penetrate this password, but at least it will slow down the intruders ....
2. Make sure the boot only from hard drive.
In your BIOS, make sure the settings for booting from the hard drive only. In other words disable booting from a floppy disk facility, CD-ROM, or other media.
3. Disable Start-up Menu
With the startup menu to disable it so other people (including us) can only boot from Windows (can not boot to DOS Prompt). How, in the config.sys file add: Switches = / F / N to config.sys. At the top of the autoexec.bat file add:
@ CTTY nul
Being at the very end of the autoexec.bat file add: CTTY CON
4. Boot Key disable
Its purpose is to prevent the F8 key and pressing F5 during the boot. By pressing the F8 key will display a start-up menu. Mendisablenya mode: Open the MSDOS.SYS file located in the main directory (C: \) with Notepad. Then changes into Bootkeys Bootkeys = 1 = 0.
5. Hide icon in the Control Panel
In Control Panel there are various facilities for setting / configuration on our computer. For example the setting of passwords, printers, desktop themes, etc.. Well if you do not want anyone else who wants to change the settings on your computer, you can perform the following actions, namely hiding the various icon in Control Panel. How, first open the file control.ini contained in the folder c: \ windows \ control.ini (if your windows folder called other, please adjusted). Then under the section [do not load] please do not enter the facility you want to show. For example to hide the icon password please write "password.cpl = no". To hide the Desktop Settings icon, then write desk.ini = no ", and so on. To see a list of *. CPL file you can see in c: \ windows \ system.
6. Software Protection with
Protection software can be many different forms. First encryption. By performing encryption (encoding) another person would find it difficult to open files that are encrypted. At the time we are required to perform encryption to enter a password, which password will also be used to perform decryption. That way people who do not know the password will not be able to open the file and will not know its contents. Examples of software used for encryption is Cryptext, PGP, etc.. In addition to using encryption there are other ways to secure our files is done using the software Win-Secure It and Folder Guard. With our software can hide files / folders, prevent the execution of the program, preventing deletion (delete), etc.. Files that have been hidden (hidden) will not be visible in Windows Explorer even if the Show All Files option is enabled. Preventing others to execute / run the program becomes very important if you have the software to configure on Windows, such as WinBoost, Tweak UI, the Start Menu Changer, and so forth.
7. When you include paranoid
With the six steps above your computer already has a decent level of security which (certainly not bad for a hacker). But when you include paranoid or really scared diisengin others your computer you can continue with the next step. Ie delete or rename these files is that including the category of "dangerous" if it is executed, such as fdisk.exe, format.exe, etc..
1. BIOS password
The first time you have to put a password on your BIOS. Why? Because the BIOS have the facilities to enable and disable some of our computer resources. While there are easy ways to penetrate this password, but at least it will slow down the intruders ....
2. Make sure the boot only from hard drive.
In your BIOS, make sure the settings for booting from the hard drive only. In other words disable booting from a floppy disk facility, CD-ROM, or other media.
3. Disable Start-up Menu
With the startup menu to disable it so other people (including us) can only boot from Windows (can not boot to DOS Prompt). How, in the config.sys file add: Switches = / F / N to config.sys. At the top of the autoexec.bat file add:
@ CTTY nul
Being at the very end of the autoexec.bat file add: CTTY CON
4. Boot Key disable
Its purpose is to prevent the F8 key and pressing F5 during the boot. By pressing the F8 key will display a start-up menu. Mendisablenya mode: Open the MSDOS.SYS file located in the main directory (C: \) with Notepad. Then changes into Bootkeys Bootkeys = 1 = 0.
5. Hide icon in the Control Panel
In Control Panel there are various facilities for setting / configuration on our computer. For example the setting of passwords, printers, desktop themes, etc.. Well if you do not want anyone else who wants to change the settings on your computer, you can perform the following actions, namely hiding the various icon in Control Panel. How, first open the file control.ini contained in the folder c: \ windows \ control.ini (if your windows folder called other, please adjusted). Then under the section [do not load] please do not enter the facility you want to show. For example to hide the icon password please write "password.cpl = no". To hide the Desktop Settings icon, then write desk.ini = no ", and so on. To see a list of *. CPL file you can see in c: \ windows \ system.
6. Software Protection with
Protection software can be many different forms. First encryption. By performing encryption (encoding) another person would find it difficult to open files that are encrypted. At the time we are required to perform encryption to enter a password, which password will also be used to perform decryption. That way people who do not know the password will not be able to open the file and will not know its contents. Examples of software used for encryption is Cryptext, PGP, etc.. In addition to using encryption there are other ways to secure our files is done using the software Win-Secure It and Folder Guard. With our software can hide files / folders, prevent the execution of the program, preventing deletion (delete), etc.. Files that have been hidden (hidden) will not be visible in Windows Explorer even if the Show All Files option is enabled. Preventing others to execute / run the program becomes very important if you have the software to configure on Windows, such as WinBoost, Tweak UI, the Start Menu Changer, and so forth.
7. When you include paranoid
With the six steps above your computer already has a decent level of security which (certainly not bad for a hacker). But when you include paranoid or really scared diisengin others your computer you can continue with the next step. Ie delete or rename these files is that including the category of "dangerous" if it is executed, such as fdisk.exe, format.exe, etc..
Selasa, 30 Maret 2010
Tips to accelerate the process of start-up Windows"
Sometimes we have the computer program or service that starts automatically. But not all programs are needed urgently. Program it can temporarily disabled so as not to overburden the windows. Computer so that we can work more quickly.
Here's a tutorial to speed up your windows startup. Please to try:
I. First way
1. On the desktop click Start select Run, type msconfig, click OK.
Here's a tutorial to speed up your windows startup. Please to try:
I. First way
1. On the desktop click Start select Run, type msconfig, click OK.
Hacking Password Ms.Word and Excel
To secure the documents, we often protect the document with the password. For security reasons also, we give the password different for each document, which often happened that our data are too sheltered to keep our own can not open it because of forgotten password.
Computer time this article discusses how to open password file Ms.Word and Ms.Excel you do not forget to remember aliases.
Computer time this article discusses how to open password file Ms.Word and Ms.Excel you do not forget to remember aliases.
How to Make Files and Folder Super Hidden
Topics article "How to Create a File and Folder Super Hidden"
Computer time this article will discuss how to create attributes of a file or folder with attributes "Super Hidden". File or folder super hidden can not be made via Windows Explorer, but using the Command Prompt.
How to open a Command Prompt, namely:
1. Click Start
2. Select Run and type command "cmd" (without the quotes of two) in the Run text box
3. Click the Ok button
Computer time this article will discuss how to create attributes of a file or folder with attributes "Super Hidden". File or folder super hidden can not be made via Windows Explorer, but using the Command Prompt.
How to open a Command Prompt, namely:
1. Click Start
2. Select Run and type command "cmd" (without the quotes of two) in the Run text box
3. Click the Ok button
Acer laptop can not in Shutdown
Computer time this article discusses the problem Acer laptop that can not be with Normal Shutdown.
In Operating Systems Windows XP Acer Webcam store was quite annoying problem, namely Laptop Shutdown can not do perfectly. For some users this is handled by pressing the Power button on the laptop for a while but this does not solve the problem.
For that those who have not installed the WebCam Acer Applications should be enough to install his WebCam Acer.
Select Acer Utility Oribcam Var - Suyin for Windows XP and follow the instructions. While drivers have not installed (the cause can not shutdown), simply use the Windows XP drivers just innate.
If you've already installed his webcam drivers follow the following ways:
- Open the Device Manager> Imaging devices
- Double-click Acer Crystal Eye Webcam
- Move to the Driver tab
- Click the Update Driver
- Select No, not this time> Next
- Select Install from specific location> Next
- Select Do not search ... > Next
- Select USB Video Device> Next
- Finish
Now that Windows XP can Shutdown normally.
In Operating Systems Windows XP Acer Webcam store was quite annoying problem, namely Laptop Shutdown can not do perfectly. For some users this is handled by pressing the Power button on the laptop for a while but this does not solve the problem.
For that those who have not installed the WebCam Acer Applications should be enough to install his WebCam Acer.
Select Acer Utility Oribcam Var - Suyin for Windows XP and follow the instructions. While drivers have not installed (the cause can not shutdown), simply use the Windows XP drivers just innate.
If you've already installed his webcam drivers follow the following ways:
- Open the Device Manager> Imaging devices
- Double-click Acer Crystal Eye Webcam
- Move to the Driver tab
- Click the Update Driver
- Select No, not this time> Next
- Select Install from specific location> Next
- Select Do not search ... > Next
- Select USB Video Device> Next
- Finish
Now that Windows XP can Shutdown normally.
How To Hacking Ziddu.com
Hacks, Tips-Trik, Ziddu
Ziddu as a file hosting / file sharing on the Internet has its own popularity.
Ziddu users choose to save the file there because there are facilities Pay per Download (PPD).
While earning value given is not so large, that is $ 1 per 1000 download file does or $ 0.1 each new user who registered through the link at the bottom of our refferal.
Ziddu as a file hosting / file sharing on the Internet has its own popularity.
Ziddu users choose to save the file there because there are facilities Pay per Download (PPD).
While earning value given is not so large, that is $ 1 per 1000 download file does or $ 0.1 each new user who registered through the link at the bottom of our refferal.
Senin, 08 Maret 2010
How to Create a Domain and Web Hosting
How to Create a Domain and Web Hosting
It turned out that not only paid hosting and domain name are complete facilities to build an amateur or a professional website, free hosting and domain gratispun can you have with guns feature lost from the domain or hosting featurenya paid as follows:
· No Ads, No Banners
· 250MB & 100GB Bandwidth
· Full cPanel
· Unlimited AddOn Domains
· MySQL, myPHPadmin
· Fantastico included
· FTP accounts
· Email accounts & Forwarder
· Password Protected folder
· WebStatistic
· DNS support
· Cron jobs
· No Credit Card required
· Tutorial & Guide
· Parked Domain
· Filemanager
· Many more ...
I've proven now your turn to try it, how the steps how to create a domain name and web hosting for free:
1. You must have an email for those who do not have please mail list on Yahoo at www.yahoo.com or google mail at www.Gmail.com
2 .- Next Best Domain register in advance please Click Here. Fill out the form with complete data.
- Click I Accept the terms of Sevice and Kilk Create an Account Now
- Click Getting a New Domain
- Kilk Check Availability
- Click Continue Registration, if still available, if not available check availability again.
- After successfully registered then click "SETUP"
Open a new 3.Coba browser (do not use the same browser with a second step, a new open, click the new file window or new tab).
To register Web Hosting beforehand with CLICK HERE. Fill out the form with complete data.
Include the domain that you register on dilangkah second on the application form Web Hosting Free. Then check the box "I Agree Terms of Service"
- The Record Name Server details!
- Fill in the name server name server 1 and two on the Manage menu control after you press the Setup button on the second step.
- Write down your server name, to be included in the setup in this second step.
- Pressing the Setup button.
- Click Ok, see the following picture:
Furthermore Congratulations!
You already have a domain name Free, and Web Hosting Professional Free.
Save both good all the username and password., You can create a website, blog via fantastico menu, and create a URL redirect
See also how to create a website / blog of web hosting
It turned out that not only paid hosting and domain name are complete facilities to build an amateur or a professional website, free hosting and domain gratispun can you have with guns feature lost from the domain or hosting featurenya paid as follows:
· No Ads, No Banners
· 250MB & 100GB Bandwidth
· Full cPanel
· Unlimited AddOn Domains
· MySQL, myPHPadmin
· Fantastico included
· FTP accounts
· Email accounts & Forwarder
· Password Protected folder
· WebStatistic
· DNS support
· Cron jobs
· No Credit Card required
· Tutorial & Guide
· Parked Domain
· Filemanager
· Many more ...
I've proven now your turn to try it, how the steps how to create a domain name and web hosting for free:
1. You must have an email for those who do not have please mail list on Yahoo at www.yahoo.com or google mail at www.Gmail.com
2 .- Next Best Domain register in advance please Click Here. Fill out the form with complete data.
- Click I Accept the terms of Sevice and Kilk Create an Account Now
- Click Getting a New Domain
- Kilk Check Availability
- Click Continue Registration, if still available, if not available check availability again.
- After successfully registered then click "SETUP"
Open a new 3.Coba browser (do not use the same browser with a second step, a new open, click the new file window or new tab).
To register Web Hosting beforehand with CLICK HERE. Fill out the form with complete data.
Include the domain that you register on dilangkah second on the application form Web Hosting Free. Then check the box "I Agree Terms of Service"
- The Record Name Server details!
- Fill in the name server name server 1 and two on the Manage menu control after you press the Setup button on the second step.
- Write down your server name, to be included in the setup in this second step.
- Pressing the Setup button.
- Click Ok, see the following picture:
Furthermore Congratulations!
You already have a domain name Free, and Web Hosting Professional Free.
Save both good all the username and password., You can create a website, blog via fantastico menu, and create a URL redirect
See also how to create a website / blog of web hosting
Minggu, 07 Maret 2010
Tentang Growurl.com

Anda mungkin pernah mendengar Grow URL, Grow URL adalah situs penyebar iklan yang bekerja sama dengan ratusan situs iklan baris dan direktori. Kita tinggal memasukkan iklan baris seperti biasa dan akan langsung tersubmit ke ratusan situs iklan baris, wah mudah kan? kita tidak perlu membeli software pengirim iklan massal, cukup dengan situs growurl kita bisa mengirim iklan baris ke ratusan situs iklan baris. Situs iklan baris akan update terus, jadi gak ada kata gagal karena situs udah kadaluarsa.
Nah bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba, Anda bisa menggunakan secara trial, yaitu mengirim iklan baris sebanyak 5 situs iklan baris dan 3 situs direktori. Anda perlu menuju ke link ini. Kenapa hanya segitu? yah yang namanya trial pasti gak ada yang full. Lalu bagaimana untuk bisa mendapatkan layanan penuh? Anda bisa menggunakannya dengan sistem kredit, kredit bisa didapatkan dengan 2 cara, yaitu berbayar dan gratisan.
Nah, untuk gratisan bisa diperoleh dengan cara :
1. Mengundang teman untuk menjadi member GrowURL. Free credit yang akan diberikan: 1 per new member.
2. Memasang logo GrowURL di halaman depan situs atau blog. Free credit yang akan diberikan: 2 credit tiap bulan.
3. Memasang GrowURL MiniAds di halaman situs atau blog. anda akan menerima 3 credit tiap bulannya.
4. Menulis review tentang GrowURL. Sekali menulis review tentang GrowURL, kami akan memberikan 5 free credit.
5. (Khusus bagi) Pemilik situs iklan baris yang berminat situsnya dimasukkan ke dalam daftar list iklan baris GrowURL dan menerima iklan dari GrowURL akan mendapatkan gratis 10 credit tiap bulannya.
6. Pemilik situs iklan baris yang juga memasang logo dan MiniAds GrowURL di situs iklan barisnya secara total akan mendapat 15 free credit per bulan.
Gak hanya itu, Anda bisa menggunakan 3 feature lainnya yaitu :
1. MiniAds, layaknya adwords, Anda bisa beriklan dengan membelinya 2 credit untuk setiap 400 kali tampil
2. SubmitZzz, Anda bisa mensubmit iklan baris secara otomatis dengan membelinya 2 credit tiap submitnya, dan akan tersubmit otomatis setiap 2 hari.
3. MailBlazt, Anda bisa mengirim email ke banyak alamat dengan membelinya 2 credit setiap 400 alamat email.
Nah banyak juga layanannya kan? Oleh karena itu, saya merekomendasikan situs ini kepada Anda. Anda bisa mendaftar di SINI, atau klik banner di atas. Ada yang ingin menambahkan?
Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
Bisnis Tanpa Modal Sepersenpun
Kami Sediakan Media untuk Anda yang Ingin Menggeluti Internet Bisnis
Melalui Cara Simple dan Realistis Mendapatkan Penghasilan Dari Internet Dengan Legal..
Tanpa Perlu Modal Sepeserpun..
Tidak Perlu Skills dan Pengalaman..
Garansi 100% GRATIS !
"Sebuah Strategi Yang Belum Di-UNGKAP Dan AKAN Membuat Gempar Dunia Online Karena Pendekatannya Yang Simple Tapi Efektif dalam MENSIASATI INTERNET BISNIS UNTUK MENDAPATKAN HASIL YANG OPTIMAL TANPA MODAL SEPERSENPUN!"
Rekan-rekan para pencari keberuntungan melalui internet..,
Saya tidak akan berpanjang lebar dan menghabiskan waktu kamu, mungkin banyak program, cara, strategi, jenis dan teknik mencari uang melalui internet telah banyak kamu terima melalui email, promosi terselubung maupun terang-terangan, banner, forum-forum atau bahkan dari mulut ke mulut yang membuat kamu bosan.
Tapi, berilah saya waktu untuk menjelaskan system yang sangat berbeda dan sama sekali baru dari yang pernah ada.. terlebih karna Sistem ini akan saya berikan secara GRATIS, dan Saya GARANSI untuk menjalankan Sistem ini-pun Kamu TIDAK AKAN mengeluarkan UANG sepeserpun juga untuk mendapatkan $1000! Saya akan mengajak kamu bekerjasama bersama-sama dalam mendapatkan penghasilan.
Ok..jika kamu siap..kita mulai penjelasannya..
Umumnya selama saya bergelut di dunia internet bisnis hampir 5 tahun, orang Indonesia khususnya yang mencoba mencari cara mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet (meskipun banyak juga luar negri), menghadapi 2 permasalahan utama:
Sisi modal karena kebanyakan bisnis tentu butuh modal, padahal hasil yang akan didapatkan belum tentu, apalagi bisnis online.
Kebenaran dari program yang di ikuti. Penipuan atau SCAM melalui internet bukan hal baru.
Banyaknya informasi yang tidak menentu dan banyaknya program SCAM yang menipu menjadi momok bagi para internet opportunity seeker.
Nah..lalu kita mau ikutan program yang mana? Semua program internet bisnis hampir beresiko. Ada yang minim resiko tapi hasilnya sedikit. Banyak orang bilang buat mendapatkan untung besar perlu modal besar dan semakin besar untungnya resikopun semakin besar. Tapi kita pasti tidak mau rugi, maka harus mencari yang beresiko paling minim.
Akhirnya pada pertengahan tahun 2007 saya menyelesaikan segala uji coba saya dan menghasilkan sebuah system yang simple namun realistis dalam mendapatkan uang dari internet tanpa modal uang sepeserpun! System ini bagi penggunanya memberikan keuntungan sebagai berikut:
Tidak Perlu Modal Sepeserpun
Tidak perlu cemas karna Garansi bahwa untuk menjalankan system ini tidakbutuh modal sepeserpun.
Tidak beresiko
Karena tanpa modal, tentunya kamu gak memiliki resiko.
Mudah Dijalankan
Dengan tutorial yang simple langkah demi langkah siapapun dapat mengikutinya baik pemula maupun yang sudah berpengalaman.
Potensial Memberikan Penghasilan yang Kontinyu (passive income)
Pada akhirnya setelah menyelesaikan langkah terakhir dari system ini, kamu potensial bakalan menikmati pendapatan yang kontinyu.
Potensial Mendapatkan $1000 dalam 3 Bulan
Jika dijalankan dengan sungguh-sungguh sesuai dengan system yang diberikan kamu bisa mendapatkan potensial $1000 dalam jangka waktu 90 hari.
Bukan System atau Program Get Rich Quick Scheme atau Cara Cepat Dapat Uang
Butuh waktu, kesabaran dan ketekunan untuk mencapai penghasilan dalam menjalankan system ini. Sistem ini bukan sulap yg bisa memberikan penghasilan dalam sekejap tapi murni dari jerih payah penggunanya.
Hanya Butuh Waktu Untuk Menjalankannya 1 Jam Per-haridan nantinya hanya butuh waktu 10 menit per-minggu.
Legal dan Realistis
Kamu dapat membuat target sendiri berapa lama kamu bisa mencapainya, dan system ini tidak merugikan siapapun.
Dapat diikuti Semua Orang, baik Pemula maupun yang telah Berpengalaman.
Penghasilan Langsung Masuk ke Rekening Liberrty Reserve Anda Tanpa Campur Tangan Admin, Webmaster atau Pengelola Lainnya.
Setiap sen uang yang kamu hasilkan akan langsung kamu terima melalui rekening Liberty Reserve kamu, tidak perlu menunggu karna tidak ada campur tangan Admin, pengelola maupun Webmaster.
Berikut adalah bukti penghasilan yang di dapat dari menjalankan Bagja.com (klik untuk memperbesar):

Bukti berikutnya (klik untuk memperbesar):

April 05, 2009,
09:18:06 PM
komentar yang telah mendaftar
Saya baru kemarin (22 April 2009) mendaftar di Bagja tapi ini memang benar-benar luar biasa. bagaimana tidak untuk hari ini (24 April 2009) saja saya mendapatkan 11 orang downline. itu pun pada hari ini masih ada beberapa orang yang mau gabung di Team Saya ini. Mungkin besoklah. padahal saya cuma targetkan 10 orang saja yang menjadi downline saya.
nih buktinya pada hari pertama dapat 11 ....... Selengkapnya
Kereeeennn, ini baru cari dollar yang bener. Dari kemarin browse sana-sini nyari cara dapetin dollar di Internet yang paling masuk akal, dan walaaaaa akhirnya nemu bagja.com dari rekan Alvades, thanks, bro. Walopun gw baru join tapi diliat dari cara kerja memang sangat masuk akal sekali. dan Support upline yang baik juga sangat membantu. Smoga para member bagja.com cepet sukses.... Grin...... bravo bung Devar
Bukti berikutnya lagi..:
Bukti yang didapat member bagja..:

UNTUK MENDAPATKAN SISTEM INI DAN BERGABUNG ADALAH 100% GRATIS, namun dengan syarat tentunya, karna saya tidak mau system ini tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya.
Saya ingin system ini dapat bertahan lama bahkan abadi dan memberikan hasil yang merata bagi setiap penggunanya. Syarat untuk mendapatkan system ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Memiliki koneksi internet. Dapat juga melalui WARNET.
Memiliki KOMITMEN yang tinggi untuk menjalankannya dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Memiliki kesabaran. Karna system ini bukan program GET RICH QUICK SCHEME.
Mengikuti dengan sungguh-sungguh setiap langkah yang telah ditetapkan melalui tutorial yang ada di member area.
Tidak akan membocorkan dan tidak memberikan sebagian dan atau seluruh informasi serta material yang kami berikan secara GRATIS seperti tools, software, e-book, artikel, tips, script, link, dll kepada siapapun diluar member 2MO.
Kalo kamu udah siap mental dan memiliki ke-5 syarat di atas kamu dapat segera mendapatkan system ini. Untuk mendapatkannya sangat mudah, klik link di bawah.
Dari pertama saya bergelut di dunia internet bisnis saya ingin mencari uang melalui internet tanpa modal. Setelah menemukannya, saya ingin berbagi dengan yang lain terutama bagi orang Indonesia. Dengan berbagi maka saya juga tidak munafik bahwa saya mendapat keuntungan, tetapi semua akan menikmatinya secara fair. That's All!
Jangan sampai menunggu, semakin cepat kamu mendapatkan system ini semakin cepat juga potensi mendapatkan penghasilan tanpa modal sepeserpun. Ingat system ini 100% GRATIS..GARANSI!! System ini tidak seperti yang lain karna bila kamu mendapatkannya kamu
Tidak Perlu Keluar Uang Sepeserpun
Tidak Perlu Mencari-cari lagi Program dengan
Tidak Lagi PTC yang Hasilnya Sedikit
Tidak lagi Pusing dengan Teknik atau Strategi karna Kami Berikan Tutorial Langkah demi Langkah Lengkap dengan Mudah
Tidak Perlu Lagi Mencari Internet Marketer "GURU" yang Melelahkan
Tidak Perlu Menganalisis Teknikal dan Fundamental yang Memusingkan
Tidak Perlu Menjual Apapun karna GRATIS
Mudah Mendapatkan Refferal karna Gratis yang
Dapat Mempercepat dan Meningkatkan Pendapatan Anda
Tidak Perlu Website atau Blog karna Kami Berikan Secara Cuma-cuma
Dengan mendapatkan system ini sekarang juga, kamu akan mendapatkan pula berbagai E-book, tools, script dan software yg saya kumpulkan selama 5 tahun..dengan gratis.
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Tons of full resale right Software, Script and E-books to download.
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Free to Sell E-book Package yang terdiri dari kumpulan e-book top.
Google Cash, Temukan pembahasan mendalam dalam bahasa Indonesia tentang Google Cash yang fenomenal memberikan cara bagaimana memanfaatkan Google untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari Affiliate Program dari Nol sampai sukses. Cuma ada disini!
5 Easy secret tricks to make money online Temukan trik rahasia mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet tanpa menjual, merekrut dan promosi. Jika kamu lelah dengan segala sistem work from home atau internet bisnis yang mengharuskan kamu untuk menjual, merekrut dan mempromosikannya..inilah solusinya.
E-book Inspirasi Bisnis, Bisnis tercepat untuk menghasilkan profit 1 juta rupiah dalam satu hari
E-book Strategi Promosi Online, langkah-demi langkah yang jitu dalam meningkatkan pengunjung secara gratis setiap hari.
E-book Rahasia Trafik Gratis. 3 Langkah JITU Bagaimana Cara Mendatangkan 800 Trafik GRATIS TERTARGET Setiap Hari ke Situs Penjualan Anda Tanpa Biaya PROMOSI Sama Sekali dan TEROTOMATISASI.
Sofftware Classify Master. Dengan software ini anda bisa memasang iklan di puluhan bahkan ratusan berbagai iklan baris online yang ada cukup dengan satu klik. Mudah dan cepat.
Dan Banyak lagi .. !
Jika Kamu Tidak Puas dengan Alasan Apapun Juga Terhadap System 2MO ini, Kapanpun Kamu Boleh dan Bisa Berhenti Tanpa Syarat Apapun dan Kamu Tetap Dapat Memiliki Segala Bonus E-book, Software, Script, dll yang Sudah Kamu Download.
Keputusan di tangan kamu sekarang, Sign up sekarang dan dapatkan segala manfaat serta fasilitas yang tidak ternilai.
Tidak ada trick dan hal yang disembunyikan dalam system ini. Jadi tidak perlu ragu untuk segera mendapatkannya.
Dengan 2MO ini saya ingin memberikan manfaat yang optimal bagi setiap member melalui segala produk (yang terus di-update) yang dapat di- Download di member area secara gratis.
Sistem ini benar-benar gratis, dijamin ! Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan silahkan kontak kami.
Melalui Cara Simple dan Realistis Mendapatkan Penghasilan Dari Internet Dengan Legal..
Tanpa Perlu Modal Sepeserpun..
Tidak Perlu Skills dan Pengalaman..
Garansi 100% GRATIS !
"Sebuah Strategi Yang Belum Di-UNGKAP Dan AKAN Membuat Gempar Dunia Online Karena Pendekatannya Yang Simple Tapi Efektif dalam MENSIASATI INTERNET BISNIS UNTUK MENDAPATKAN HASIL YANG OPTIMAL TANPA MODAL SEPERSENPUN!"
Rekan-rekan para pencari keberuntungan melalui internet..,
Saya tidak akan berpanjang lebar dan menghabiskan waktu kamu, mungkin banyak program, cara, strategi, jenis dan teknik mencari uang melalui internet telah banyak kamu terima melalui email, promosi terselubung maupun terang-terangan, banner, forum-forum atau bahkan dari mulut ke mulut yang membuat kamu bosan.
Tapi, berilah saya waktu untuk menjelaskan system yang sangat berbeda dan sama sekali baru dari yang pernah ada.. terlebih karna Sistem ini akan saya berikan secara GRATIS, dan Saya GARANSI untuk menjalankan Sistem ini-pun Kamu TIDAK AKAN mengeluarkan UANG sepeserpun juga untuk mendapatkan $1000! Saya akan mengajak kamu bekerjasama bersama-sama dalam mendapatkan penghasilan.
Ok..jika kamu siap..kita mulai penjelasannya..
Umumnya selama saya bergelut di dunia internet bisnis hampir 5 tahun, orang Indonesia khususnya yang mencoba mencari cara mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet (meskipun banyak juga luar negri), menghadapi 2 permasalahan utama:
Sisi modal karena kebanyakan bisnis tentu butuh modal, padahal hasil yang akan didapatkan belum tentu, apalagi bisnis online.
Kebenaran dari program yang di ikuti. Penipuan atau SCAM melalui internet bukan hal baru.
Banyaknya informasi yang tidak menentu dan banyaknya program SCAM yang menipu menjadi momok bagi para internet opportunity seeker.
Nah..lalu kita mau ikutan program yang mana? Semua program internet bisnis hampir beresiko. Ada yang minim resiko tapi hasilnya sedikit. Banyak orang bilang buat mendapatkan untung besar perlu modal besar dan semakin besar untungnya resikopun semakin besar. Tapi kita pasti tidak mau rugi, maka harus mencari yang beresiko paling minim.
Akhirnya pada pertengahan tahun 2007 saya menyelesaikan segala uji coba saya dan menghasilkan sebuah system yang simple namun realistis dalam mendapatkan uang dari internet tanpa modal uang sepeserpun! System ini bagi penggunanya memberikan keuntungan sebagai berikut:
Tidak Perlu Modal Sepeserpun
Tidak perlu cemas karna Garansi bahwa untuk menjalankan system ini tidakbutuh modal sepeserpun.
Tidak beresiko
Karena tanpa modal, tentunya kamu gak memiliki resiko.
Mudah Dijalankan
Dengan tutorial yang simple langkah demi langkah siapapun dapat mengikutinya baik pemula maupun yang sudah berpengalaman.
Potensial Memberikan Penghasilan yang Kontinyu (passive income)
Pada akhirnya setelah menyelesaikan langkah terakhir dari system ini, kamu potensial bakalan menikmati pendapatan yang kontinyu.
Potensial Mendapatkan $1000 dalam 3 Bulan
Jika dijalankan dengan sungguh-sungguh sesuai dengan system yang diberikan kamu bisa mendapatkan potensial $1000 dalam jangka waktu 90 hari.
Bukan System atau Program Get Rich Quick Scheme atau Cara Cepat Dapat Uang
Butuh waktu, kesabaran dan ketekunan untuk mencapai penghasilan dalam menjalankan system ini. Sistem ini bukan sulap yg bisa memberikan penghasilan dalam sekejap tapi murni dari jerih payah penggunanya.
Hanya Butuh Waktu Untuk Menjalankannya 1 Jam Per-haridan nantinya hanya butuh waktu 10 menit per-minggu.
Legal dan Realistis
Kamu dapat membuat target sendiri berapa lama kamu bisa mencapainya, dan system ini tidak merugikan siapapun.
Dapat diikuti Semua Orang, baik Pemula maupun yang telah Berpengalaman.
Penghasilan Langsung Masuk ke Rekening Liberrty Reserve Anda Tanpa Campur Tangan Admin, Webmaster atau Pengelola Lainnya.
Setiap sen uang yang kamu hasilkan akan langsung kamu terima melalui rekening Liberty Reserve kamu, tidak perlu menunggu karna tidak ada campur tangan Admin, pengelola maupun Webmaster.
Berikut adalah bukti penghasilan yang di dapat dari menjalankan Bagja.com (klik untuk memperbesar):

Bukti berikutnya (klik untuk memperbesar):

April 05, 2009,
09:18:06 PM
komentar yang telah mendaftar
Saya baru kemarin (22 April 2009) mendaftar di Bagja tapi ini memang benar-benar luar biasa. bagaimana tidak untuk hari ini (24 April 2009) saja saya mendapatkan 11 orang downline. itu pun pada hari ini masih ada beberapa orang yang mau gabung di Team Saya ini. Mungkin besoklah. padahal saya cuma targetkan 10 orang saja yang menjadi downline saya.
nih buktinya pada hari pertama dapat 11 ....... Selengkapnya
Kereeeennn, ini baru cari dollar yang bener. Dari kemarin browse sana-sini nyari cara dapetin dollar di Internet yang paling masuk akal, dan walaaaaa akhirnya nemu bagja.com dari rekan Alvades, thanks, bro. Walopun gw baru join tapi diliat dari cara kerja memang sangat masuk akal sekali. dan Support upline yang baik juga sangat membantu. Smoga para member bagja.com cepet sukses.... Grin...... bravo bung Devar
Bukti berikutnya lagi..:
Bukti yang didapat member bagja..:

UNTUK MENDAPATKAN SISTEM INI DAN BERGABUNG ADALAH 100% GRATIS, namun dengan syarat tentunya, karna saya tidak mau system ini tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya.
Saya ingin system ini dapat bertahan lama bahkan abadi dan memberikan hasil yang merata bagi setiap penggunanya. Syarat untuk mendapatkan system ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Memiliki koneksi internet. Dapat juga melalui WARNET.
Memiliki KOMITMEN yang tinggi untuk menjalankannya dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Memiliki kesabaran. Karna system ini bukan program GET RICH QUICK SCHEME.
Mengikuti dengan sungguh-sungguh setiap langkah yang telah ditetapkan melalui tutorial yang ada di member area.
Tidak akan membocorkan dan tidak memberikan sebagian dan atau seluruh informasi serta material yang kami berikan secara GRATIS seperti tools, software, e-book, artikel, tips, script, link, dll kepada siapapun diluar member 2MO.
Kalo kamu udah siap mental dan memiliki ke-5 syarat di atas kamu dapat segera mendapatkan system ini. Untuk mendapatkannya sangat mudah, klik link di bawah.
Dari pertama saya bergelut di dunia internet bisnis saya ingin mencari uang melalui internet tanpa modal. Setelah menemukannya, saya ingin berbagi dengan yang lain terutama bagi orang Indonesia. Dengan berbagi maka saya juga tidak munafik bahwa saya mendapat keuntungan, tetapi semua akan menikmatinya secara fair. That's All!
Jangan sampai menunggu, semakin cepat kamu mendapatkan system ini semakin cepat juga potensi mendapatkan penghasilan tanpa modal sepeserpun. Ingat system ini 100% GRATIS..GARANSI!! System ini tidak seperti yang lain karna bila kamu mendapatkannya kamu
Tidak Perlu Keluar Uang Sepeserpun
Tidak Perlu Mencari-cari lagi Program dengan
Tidak Lagi PTC yang Hasilnya Sedikit
Tidak lagi Pusing dengan Teknik atau Strategi karna Kami Berikan Tutorial Langkah demi Langkah Lengkap dengan Mudah
Tidak Perlu Lagi Mencari Internet Marketer "GURU" yang Melelahkan
Tidak Perlu Menganalisis Teknikal dan Fundamental yang Memusingkan
Tidak Perlu Menjual Apapun karna GRATIS
Mudah Mendapatkan Refferal karna Gratis yang
Dapat Mempercepat dan Meningkatkan Pendapatan Anda
Tidak Perlu Website atau Blog karna Kami Berikan Secara Cuma-cuma
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Sofftware Classify Master. Dengan software ini anda bisa memasang iklan di puluhan bahkan ratusan berbagai iklan baris online yang ada cukup dengan satu klik. Mudah dan cepat.
Dan Banyak lagi .. !
Jika Kamu Tidak Puas dengan Alasan Apapun Juga Terhadap System 2MO ini, Kapanpun Kamu Boleh dan Bisa Berhenti Tanpa Syarat Apapun dan Kamu Tetap Dapat Memiliki Segala Bonus E-book, Software, Script, dll yang Sudah Kamu Download.
Keputusan di tangan kamu sekarang, Sign up sekarang dan dapatkan segala manfaat serta fasilitas yang tidak ternilai.
Tidak ada trick dan hal yang disembunyikan dalam system ini. Jadi tidak perlu ragu untuk segera mendapatkannya.
Dengan 2MO ini saya ingin memberikan manfaat yang optimal bagi setiap member melalui segala produk (yang terus di-update) yang dapat di- Download di member area secara gratis.
Sistem ini benar-benar gratis, dijamin ! Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan silahkan kontak kami.
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